Kapoor Chand Kulish Smiriti Van

K apoor Chand Kulish Smiriti Van Kulish Smriti Van is situated on the Jawaharlal Nehur Marg. During the devastating flood of 1981 this area was inundated and deep ravines were formed. Initially under the guidance of Sh. Mitha Lal Mehta, the former Chief Secretary of Rajasthan and Vedic Scholar Sh. Kapoor Chand Kulish, this area was taken upto plant trees in the memory of near & dear ones. Later under green Rajasthan campaign the State Govt. decided to develop the area as biodiversity forest. Hon'ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan Mrs. Vasundra Raje Seindhia laid the foundation of the Park on Oct., 8 2005. About 54 ha. area land of Jhalana-Kho Nagorian forest block was developed with the financial assistance from JDA, as biodiversity forest. The Smiriti Van was dedicated to public on 8th December 2007. The Kulish Smiriti Van is divided into following 11 Sections:- 1. Vasundhra Van:- The Vasundhara Van is the main attraction of Smirti Van...